Feb. 28, 2025
#HALTsolitary Campaign Condemns DOCCS’ Purported Agreement to Continue Illegal Torture Regime
(New York) — Today (Feb. 28, 2025) DOCCS announced that it had reached a purported agreement with NYSCOPBA, available here. In response, Jerome R. Wright, Co-Director of the #HALTsolitary Campaign, released the following statement:
“Today’s illegal agreement aims to maintain a racist regime of torture, brutality, and death. DOCCS does not have the authority to suspend the HALT Solitary Confinement Law. Let’s be clear that they are simply violating the law and people will be tortured and die as a result. After a deliberative process over eight years, a supermajority of New York State’s democratically elected representatives enacted the HALT Law to actually end the torture of prolonged solitary confinement and use alternatives proven to reduce violence and protect people’s health. The Governor and New York State are sending a clear message that prison guards and administrators are above the law — just after guards’ lynching of Robert Brooks horrified the whole world and put a spotlight on the rampant racism, brutality, sexual violence, and other abuses people in New York prisons have been reporting for decades. We have truly returned to the pre-Attica environment that sparked the rebellion incarcerated people were forced to engage in over 50 years ago, when complaints of brutality, solitary confinement, endless racially-biased parole denials, and an overall lack of respect for humanity and life were the order of the day. We will not go back, nor will the people of this state allow laws to be abrogated at the whims and caprice of anyone.”
On the Harms of Solitary and the Urgent Need to Implement the HALT Solitary Law
- Solitary confinement is government torture that inflicts devastating and deadly harm. Solitary causes people to engage in self-mutilation. It causes heart disease. It causes anxiety, depression, and psychosis.
- Even after release from incarceration, a study of hundreds of thousands of people released from prison in North Carolina over a 15 year period found that people who had spent time in solitary were significantly more likely to die by suicide and other causes. Research shows that even only one or two days in solitary leads to significantly heightened risk of death by accident, suicide, violence, overdose, and other causes.
- Solitary confinement killed Benjamin Van Zandt, Cachin Anderson, Kalief Browder, Layleen Polanco, and countless others.
- Contrary to NYSCOPBA claims (see more below), solitary also makes jails and outside communities less safe for everyone by causing people to deteriorate and in turn increasing the risk of harmful acts. Numerous studies, such as here and here show that people who have spent time in solitary or restrictive housing are more likely to be re-arrested after release from incarceration.
- On the other hand, the evidence is clear: if a system is trying to reduce violence what works much better than solitary is the exact opposite of solitary: pro-social program-based interventions that involve full days of out-of-cell group programming and engagement, like the CAPS program in NYC jails, the Merle Cooper Program in NYS, the RSVP program in San Francisco jails, and the M.A.N. program and other peer-led programs developed by people incarcerated in New York prisons.
- For example, the RSVP program included people who had carried out acts of assault, sexual assault, other violent acts, and repeated “heinous” acts. It led to a precipitous drop in violence among participants to the point of having zero incidents over a one year period. People who participated in the program also had dramatically lower rates of re-arrest for violent charges after release from jail.
- Best practices in youth and mental health facilities limit isolation to minutes or hours at most, with positive impacts on safety and people’s health and well-being.
- Based on all of this evidence and more about how solitary causes devastating harm and worsens safety for everyone, a supermajority of both houses of the legislature passed, and the Governor signed, the HALT Solitary Confinement Act into law. The HALT Law places reasonable evidence-based limits on the use of solitary confinement in line with international standards while allowing for alternative forms of separation proven to reduce violence and better protect people’s health.
- This law was passed after an extensive, years-long deliberative process over the course of eight legislative sessions, with repeated input from all stakeholders, legislative hearings, and careful deliberation by the public and the legislature. Hundreds of civil rights, human rights, mental health, medical, faith, and other organizations endorsed this legislation – from Archbishop Cardinal Dolan and the New York State Catholic Conference to the Mental Health Association of New York State to Rev. Sharpton and the National Action Network. The Editorial Boards at The New York Times, The Albany Times Union, The Altamont Enterprise, The Daily Gazette, and The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle all endorsed this law and urged its enactment.
On the False Claims about HALT and Violence
- This illegal work stoppage, including complaints about HALT, are nothing but an attempt to distract from the increased scrutiny of officer brutality, sexual violence, and abuse following the lynching and murder of Robert Brooks
- HALT is not causing violence. That is just a lie. As documented above, all evidence shows that solitary increases violence, while replacing solitary with real alternatives like the MAN program, RSVP, and Merle Cooper actually dramatically reduce violence.
- Guards fully control the data and they have been reporting violence is increasing each year for the past 15 years- to use for their political ends, including opposing prison closures, opposing restrictions on solitary, getting pay increases, etc. For example, when they beat up incarcerated people like they did to Robert Brooks, they routinely write the person up for an assault on staff.
- Indeed, approximately 98% of so-called assaults on staff in the last three months of available data (Nov. 2024 through Jan. 2025) resulted in no injury (73%) or minor injury (25%) to staff, where minor injury is defined as “injuries that require either no treatment, minimal treatment (scratch, bruise, aches/pain) or precautionary treatment”. Similarly, 99.7% of assaults between incarcerated people resulted in no injury (97%) or minor injury (2.7%) to staff. This data is consistent with data over many years.
- A district court judge in the Northern District of New York dismissed a lawsuit NYSCOPBA brought to block implementation of the HALT Solitary Law, finding these same arguments unpersuasive. A couple passages to highlight:
- In speaking about the data NYSCOPBA put forward alleging an increase in violence by incarcerated people, the judge found that an “upward trend beginning in 2012, when changes to solitary confinement practices did not begin until 2016, offers little persuasive value.”
- The judge also said: “it is difficult for the Court to assume that the increase in violence in New York prisons is attributable to any one factor. … It is particularly difficult for the Court to attribute the increase in violence solely to solitary confinement reform.”
- It is false to say that because of HALT there are no consequences for violent actions. People can still be subjected to disciplinary confinement in RRUs and RMHTUs and DOCCS continues to send people to these punitive units for months and years. Also of course if actual violence can also be charged in criminal court. Moreover, what actually reduces violence is not isolation and torture, but proven alternative interventions (see below)
- Officers often brutalize people and then falsely charge them with assaults on staff and throw them in solitary as a cover-up. If Robert Brooks had survived, they would have charged him with assaulting staff and thrown him in solitary.
- The union has been complaining about HALT for years before it was enacted, as well as any other restrictions on solitary and any other limitations on their power. The legislature heard all of their views for years and years, and after 8 legislative sessions of hearing information from all stakeholders supermajorities of both houses of the legislature passed HALT and the governor (Cuomo) signed it into law.
- In other words, the union attempted to stop HALT in the legislature through the democratic political process and were not able to. Then they attempted to stop HALT through the courts and were not able to. They attempted to stop HALT by not implementing it. Because they haven’t been able to stop HALT through any legitimate pathways, they have instead carried out an illegal work stoppage endangering the lives of tens of thousands of people. They still will not succeed.
- Officers and DOCCS have been systematically violating HALT since it was enacted. The government’s own Justice Center and state Inspector General, as well as the Correctional Association and numerous reporters have documented rampant violations of HALT
- Operating legally mandated alternatives as solitary by another name, e.g. without real out of cell time
- Sending people to solitary and alternatives for reasons prohibited under the law and issuing extreme sentences. Here is the 2024 court decision finding NY prisons are violating the HALT Solitary Law by sending people to solitary and alternatives without following the law’s strict criteria for what conduct can result in such placements. (Lawsuit by people in prison represented by PLS/NYCLU)
- Locking people with disabilities in solitary: Here is information on the pending litigation regarding DOCCS locking people with mental health needs and disabilities in solitary confinement (both in SHU and in purported alternatives that amount to solitary by another name) (lawsuit filed by people in prison represented by Legal Aid Society, Disability Rights Advocates, and a law firm)
- The HALT Law itself has forced positive changes that have saved lives and reduced torture
- Closure of southport, an abusive all-solitary confinement prison
- People who spent twenty and 30 years in solitary have gotten out of solitary and are in general population, alternative units, and out in the community
- End of keeplock and SHU reduced to 15 days
- Operation of some out-of-cell time and programming
- DOCCS knows what works to reduce violence. DOCCS has refused to do it. All evidence shows that solitary increases violence, while replacing solitary with real alternatives like MAN program, RSVP, Merle Cooper actually dramatically reduce violence. Yet DOCCS has refused to implement real alternatives and continues to operate solitary by another name
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